
Jelly Beard Oil vs Other Brands: What to Know

Are you interested in buying some of Bossman's Jelly Beard Oil? Want to make sure you're making the right choice? Let's look at this product.

Beard oil is one of the most important male grooming products around. It can keep your beard well-moisturized, keep the hairs soft, and take care of your skin, too. That's a lot from one product. 

Yet what if beard oil could be better? Well, the good news is, it can be. Beard oil has been around for a while, but here at Bossman, we've created the next generation of beard oil.

Jelly beard oil is the only beard oil that you need. Yet what is it that makes it so special? Read on and find out!

1. Jelly Beard Oil Is Thicker

Jelly beard oil is, as you may imagine, a lot thicker than traditional beard oil. Yet what does that actually do?

The oil's increased viscosity means that it penetrates further into your beard and allows for a stronger bond with your hair, follicles, and skin. This means that there's less danger of it being rubbed off over the course of the day, which could deprive your beard and your skin of vital nutrients.

Jelly beard oil may last you longer than a standard beard oil, meaning that you'll need to use less of it to keep your beard at its best.

2. It Can Help Your Beard Grow

If you're in pursuit of a lustrous beard, you need to make sure that your beard is getting the right nutrients. While you can give your beard some of these through your diet, you might not be able to get enough of them through food alone.

Applying these nutrients directly to your beard will allow your hair, follicles, and skin to benefit from them, which can promote better beard growth. If you've been struggling with beard growth, adding our jelly beard oil to your beard maintenance kit may help you grow a thicker beard faster.

3. More Product Per Order

Down in Texas, we don't do things by halves. If we're going to make something, we want to make it big. This same philosophy applies to our beard care products!

While some other manufacturers will only give you two ounces of product, we give you four. This means that you'll be able to get more mileage out of our bottles than those of other companies.

Pair this advantage with the hardiness and hold of our product, and you've got a recipe for long-lasting beard care in each bottle.

4. A Wide Variety of Scents

There are some beard oil scents that everyone seems to make, like sandalwood or pine. Yet often, your choice of scents is very limited. When you buy our beard oil jelly, you get a wide range of scents to choose from, including vanilla and sandalwood, tobacco and leather, as well as an unscented jelly oil for those who want to keep things simple.

Try Our Jelly Beard Oil Today

If you're looking for a beard product that will seriously help your beard, our jelly beard oil is what you've been looking for. Check out our store page for more information about the product. If you've got any questions about it, please don't hesitate to contact us.